DeFalco Greco di Tufo 2018, Campania

DeFalco Greco di Tufo 2018, Campania

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The De Falco Vini company has been included in the Wine Guide of Quattrocalici because it is one of the most important wineries in the province of Naples.  The area where De Falco Vini is located is historically suited for viticulture. In particular, the numerous awards obtained by the farms of the province of Naples have further stimulated the producers to invest in the territory in order to make the best use of their productive potential, to constantly improve quality and face new markets. The wines of the De Falco Vini company and in particular the Greco di Tufo “Greco di Tufo Docg” , are characterized by the right sugar and alcohol content and by a good fixed acidity, which helps to enhance the aromas and keep them over time.